
It's amazing and strange that when I am lost, like a person who have lost senses and dont where he is going and what others are doing. I am able to find something to bring back colors in life. I was lost for sometime, the more this world going insane the more I am getting …

Srilanka Trip – 2018

I needed a break, was planning to go to Europe for 2 years or so, but don't know what struck me, We ended up going to Srilanka just suddenly with 30 days before applying for a visa, booking flights, watching videos and blogs about it, arranging the hotels, making changes after changes. And then finally …

You and Prophet life’s!!!

Saw the below on my friend Facebook, thought to share it: "When you are hurt by the people who share blood relations with you , recall Yousuf عليه الصلاة والسلام who was also betrayed by his brothers. When you find your parents opposing you (in deen) recall Ibrahim عليه الصلاة والسلام who was opposed by …

You want change!

Read a very interesting saying, very thought provoking, so sharing with you all. Someone asked an old man, give me an advice. The old man said, "Have you ever clean dishes" The man said, "Yes of course, but what it has to do" The old man replied, "You clean the dishes from inside first"

What to do

For some strange reasons, I don't want to work today. I have couple of things lined up as usual. But something telling me, take your time. Take one day at a time. What you do, on such days at your end? I know it's called procrastination, but sometimes you have too do it isn't it!

Vacation in Pakistan – IV

In the Northern part of Pakistan mostly, you will find some interesting decoration on vehicles. Luckily, I got my eyes set on some while travelling. Unfortunately, couldn't able to capture others as I was occupied in focusing to capture the main scenery that you might be observing from my past 3 post. One can find …