1000 mark

Wow I didn’t get the chance to go through all the followers and I crossed 1000+followers.

I am greatfull to all and everyone of you, who liked, commented and follow me specially from April this year, since I actively started it.

It’s been one beautiful journey for me. I have able to know, read and understand so many people, culture, customs and many interesting theories of life.

Love you all.

On this happy occasion, let me give you freedom to ask me any question you would like to know about me.

118 Replies to “1000 mark”

          1. I am sick. Some issues in my kidneys. But elhamdülillah I am fine now, taking some medicine.
            Nisa is alright elhamdülillah, she enjoys life.
            Eid I ll be at home , unfortunately nothing new.
            Hope u are also fine? Begin to write pls

            1. Aww sad to know about your, May Allah make it a source of shedding sins.

              Drink loads of water!

              Good to know Nisa is doing great.

              Yes Alhamdolillah doing good, trying to adjust back to planet earth.

              Yes will do so slowly and gradually. Have so many things up and running. Don’t want to post 4 things at the same time.

        1. Just came back from vacation and wanted to go again.

          Can’t get enough of it. So having difficulty retuning myself.

          Plus weather is dead hot over here. So no outdoor activities even airconditioning units are not functioning properly.

          The year is going in a flash!

          4 more months and than its over as if the year started 2 months back

      1. Mmmm… I love steak too! But I’m not very good at cooking it. Lol… You can ask me a question too… Here’s your second question. What is your favorite holiday and how do you celebrate on that day?

        1. To be honest, I hate holidays normally.

          My definition of perfect holiday is where I can meditate. Whether it’s for 10 minutes alone in peace and quiet or 10 days.

          The way I celebrate it, is just enjoy that moment not thinking what happened to me, why it happened and what it’s going to be.

          For me it’s enjoyment!

          The question for you is, when did you last left your home country and where, if not why?

          1. Same here… If I could do without the stress of them, I most definitely would! 😉

            I was born in Germany, but have lived in the U.S. since I was 2 years old. I haven’t been overseas since, but the first chance I get, I’m going somewhere! 😉

                1. Your major expenditure is ticket cost.

                  Accommodation and food won’t cost that much and so is the travelling.

                  Just need to sit on computer and do a dummy booking to know how much it cost.

                  You might get a surprise. 😉🤗

                    1. For airline ticket go to Skyscanner.com or you can download the app.

                      For hotel booking you can check booking.com or airbnb.

                      This will give you insight as per yr budget.

                      Whatever this cost comes up add atleast 800 dollar for other stuff per person for travelling, food and fees if you are going for 9 days approximately

                    1. Fun is almost finished, just couple of hours left before we sleep to start our weekday.

                      What are your plans?

                      We plan to do grocery and other shopping but still haven’t able to went. We are both dull and down since we came back

                    2. I’m planning to stay home and prep for the coming school year. I homeschool my girls, so I have to get my lesson planning done.

                    3. That’s awesome, you are right person to have guidance. I have one daughter 4.8 years old who I am giving homeschooling at the moment.

                      So whatever resources I can get my hands on will be helpful.

                      Appreciate if you can share your thoughts

                    4. This might be helpful to you. She writes free curriculum for all ages. https://allinonehomeschool.com/
                      Also, I’ll have to check, but I think I still have a kindergarten curriculum I used. If I still have it, I could email you the file. All you would have to do is print it out. 🙂

                    5. Well I shared all the files with you and email the link to you. Just let me know when your done copying the files so that I can delete them from my Dropbox account. It’s an entire year of curriculum that I sent you.

                    6. I have checked at my end, but couldn’t able to trace from your this email address her…..haven. I have send you one email from my personal email address. Let me know if you received it.

                    7. Yes, and I shared the curriculum with your new email address. Let me know if you get it. I’m not sure if you have to check your dropbox or just your email. Try checking both. 😉

                    8. Thanks I have got it, I got something up til my sleeves. So couldn’t able to reply back quickly, which I should be.

                      I have received it, but have been busy with loads of guest.

                    9. Yes finished with one of them, you families are coming tomorrow and day after. Than most likely we will be free after that. As we are not expecting anyone else.

                      I will try to download today, had a tight schedule but if I get the time to sit on laptop. I will surely!

                      Thank you once again 🤗

    1. I seriously have no idea, even though I am not that active recently. So many people have just followed me.

      I felt indebted to them, daily close to 7 to 8 people are coming in this short time.

      I got zero activity from before April till 2013. So you can imagine how blessed I am

        1. I guess the more one is regular in terms of posting and visiting others, WP algorithm catches it, and send it as recommendation to the new commers and in search criteria.

          That’s how other bloggers catches me.

            1. Wow how do you manage to do that. That’s amazing Miriam. It’s so difficult to genuinely go through. I guess you have good reading and grasping technique.

              I try my level best to read properly, and be as genuine to my comment as possible. Else I don’t comment at all.

              But you are amazing. I am like how those blogger maintain themselves who have 10 or 20k or 100k.

                1. Thanks for sharing your trade secret 😉

                  I have a simple policy, poetry I don’t read. Since I can’t get the poetry for some reasons. Long post don’t have time. So that narrow downs my list.

                    1. Your poetry is simple and sweet mainly Haiku style. Which is preferred and likable. That I am able to get it easily.

                      I guess by and large we are on the same page 😊

    1. Walaikumussalam

      Alhamdolillah I was reading your post, than I didn’t realised at what time I just slept.

      Sorry didn’t able to reply back to your comment.

      Alhamdolillah had a good solid short break. Loved to have a much longer version this time around. But Alhamdolillah.

      How are you. How is immigration status progressing? Any refinement?

      I love to hear about it, since I will start my process by looking at different locations.

      So any help would be greatful

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